Friday, 12 April 2013

Advertising on Facebook

Advertising is what keeps Facebook going and free to the world. The secret behind its success is the wide variety of its users and the ads that can be targeted to very specific potential customers for your business.

Once you have a business page set up and rolling, you should start planning an advertising campaign. You should always start by identifying your audience. Put into consideration your current customers, demographic, and even trending interests of your potential audience. This will help you create ads that can attract the right people and be the most efficient in grabbing customers attention.

When you're filling in the criteria of the users you want to advertise to you can see the size of the population you are targeting which will give you an idea of how much you should be spending.

After you've chosen your audience you can choose your campaign name and budget. They will never charge you more than your budget which is great. It means you can be assured that once you spent all your money, the campaign will just stop so there's no worrying of spending over your expectations. The pricing scheme is defaulted at CPM (Cost Per Impression). This means you are charged every time your ad appears on a page. This can be changed through advanced options which I would recommend looking through before choosing which one would suit your campaign best. Facebook will automatically show your ad who they think will be more likely to react to it.

If you really want to make the best out of your future ads. I would recommend testing different ads and using Facebook's tools to keep an eye on what works and what doesn't. This is the main advantages of on-line advertising is that its easily measured. It would be crazy not to take advantage of that or any of the other great tools available to Facebook businesses.

Peace out

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